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Best Self-Help & Self-Esteem Book For Spiritual Growth

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The Right Flames of a Warrior

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Are you equipped for the fight of your life? This book has a secret defense called the Armor of God which is designed to equip, encourage, and empower you to stand strong and push forward in life. Once you finish reading this book it will inspiring and remind you to believe in yourself, trust in God and never give up. The weapon inside this book will help you fight through any challenge with the confidence that comes from knowing you have all the armor needed to succeed!

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Tylisha A. Julienne

Tylisha is a wife who enjoys challenging others to be the best they can be, working alongside her husband, Silvester impacting youth and families in the surrounding communities in southern California. She is a grateful mother to four exceptional children. She is accredited with a master’s degree in marriage and family and is certified in developmental strategies for children and adults. She is an advocate with other professional, kind-hearted individuals who assist those who experience abuse mentally or physically. Tylisha has been helping people find a brighter future with faith strategies and resilience to defeat the negativity that has risen and will arise on the journey called LIFE.

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